The Liberation Foundation, originally known as the Terrance Lewis Liberation Foundation, was founded by exoneree Terrance Lewis after he returned home to Philadelphia in 2019. A wrongfully-convicted juvenile lifer, Terrance created his plan for TLF while he was incarcerated in Pennsylvania. He dreamed of an organization that would help people like him.
Officially established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in May 2020, The Liberation Foundation first began with Project RIC (Research, Investigate, Compile). In 2021, after partnering with undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania to receive funding from the university's President's Engagement Prize, TLF expanded its initiatives to include Project HOPE. The first cohort of the reentry program was launched at State Correctional Institution Coal Township.
Now, The Liberation Foundation advocates for wrongfully convicted Pennsylvanians through Project RIC, partners with universities and students across the East Coast, and offers Project HOPE at both men and women's correctional facilities in Pennsylvania.